Email Updates Suspended
I’ve temporarily disabled email updates due to a problem in the code.
At first I thought it was an issue with the data, maybe invalid interpretation of numbers or something. But that wasn’t it.
Turns out, the code was pulling the totals for all races and combining them. So the more races I was in, the higher my total was.
Anyway, I’ve disabled the emails for now, until the bug is fixed. I don’t expect that it will take too long to adjust, but there are some other things that I’m trying to sort out in the meantime. Here’s a few things on the short list:
- Bug fixes (critical only)
- Move code to GitHub
- Setup issue tracker (on GitHub)
- Setup wiki (on GitHub)
- Setup unit tests (keeps bugs from re-emerging)
- Integration with Travis-CI (for continuous integration testing)
It’s only a half-dozen things, but it’s no small task. It’s all fairly important, though. By moving to GitHub, I get exposure: it helps my resume (gives me some geek cred), allows others to look at it and consider helping, and gives me a wiki and issue tracker. The issue tracker will help my Beta users to see the list of issues, submit problems, and get updates when there are any, and so forth.
Any questions? Want to get involved? Say something in the comments!