23 June 2022

It’s World Hydration Day!

Be sure to drink water when you’re out in the sun sweating a lot! In my present circumstance, I drink tons of water–gallons–when I’m out in the sun all day in 90 plus degrees weather with high humidity.

Also, if there’s a state that is an actual hell because of weather? I agree with my mom that my nomination of choice would be Nebraska. Very hot but extremely humid as well. It looks real nice, and sometimes there’s even a wind, but then that humidity just wraps it’s arms around you and pulls you to the ground as you grasp your final breaths for that sweet, sweet feel of a breeze. Lol.

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21 October 2021

Self Promotion

I was talking to one of my co-workers the other day, and the topic of self-promotion came up. I was telling him all about how he had to get better at telling others how good he is at creating digital music… and then I realized that I was horrible at it.

So this post is here for promoting me.

Hi, my name is Dan, and I’m a geek.

I’ve done a lot of geeky things.

I’m Self-Taught.

All the programming and system administration capabilities I possess have been achieved through determination. No formal education has furthered that. No classes. No certifications. (I did go to college for a while, and technically I have a 2.96 GPA, but I never finished because they failed me for bogus reasons; I think I have like three credits or six credits left to get my Associate’s degree.)

I’ve been programming since the turn of the millennium, mostly on web applications. I taught myself PHP.

I learned system administration because it interested me, and because there was a need at the place I worked. I watched the owner peck away at a console until I learned the password and gave myself access. I officially became system administrator through sheer force of will. Within a few months, I was administering two dozen servers, with all but a couple of them running various flavors of Linux.

I learned PHP through reading and experimentation.

Is there more to the story? Yes. Quite honestly, this story has been in my drafts since 2014… So it has been time to publish it for a while. So, for better or worse, here it is / was. Lol.

Category: History, PHP, System Administration, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Self Promotion
17 October 2021

Pedal Cars: How To Save The World

… and why Elon Musk should hire me.

(Disclaimer: this is a living document; I’ve posted it on the Internet to prove I came up with it first. And because I want to make money saving the world.)

If there is one single concept in this document that somebody should definitely start doing on a massive scale is to make stuff large-scale from styrofoam. And making power from burning garbage like the Swedes.

Or was it harvesting the methane from cow farts to make fuel? It might be that one.

On to the super-well-fleshed-out idea in bullet points.

The Bits

  • pedaling in the driveway:
    –> hyper-efficient pedaling
    –> how to power the heater (esp. during winter)
    –> how to power the AC (yep, you gotta pedal)
  • wheels that have wheels: how momentum can power your heater (and AC)
  • integrating non-custom electronics to make a smart(er) car
    –> using your phone…
    –>> mirror display onto bigger display (touchscreen)
    –>> load (custom?) app
    –> using old tablets
  • building (a body) using styrofoam
    –> the styrofoam collection facility/system
    –> melting it into hard plastic
    –> pour into molds (considerations for extracting the acetone)
  • powering the plant using garbage
    –> burn it like the Swedes
    –> SUPER NEGATIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT (Super Green – the Ruby Rodd story)
  • Making it cool(er)
    –> round tires (a car that literally turns on a dime)
    –> heads-up display: how to reflect a screen onto the windshield (safely)
    –> seats that slide out (for old people)
    –> transform(er)ing seats for wheelchair accessiblity
    –> heated seats, because winter.
    –> cameras all over for visibility (night + thermal vision)
    –> windows that are actually solar panels
    –> solar panels on the roof: how to make solar panels sexy (and durable)
    –> blind spot monitoring
  • Features I “stole” (off the Internet[?])
    –> automatic high beams
    –> heated steering wheel (and North Dakota needs it)
    –> intelligent “keys” / remote starting options (powered by Linux?)
    –>> using FOBs that use encrypted signals
    –>> intelligent scheduling: keeping your car un-frozen in the Coming Ice Age
    –> FOBs that combine fingerprint + proximity (+phone)
    –>> considerations for lost phones and asshole “hacker” thieves
  • (Really)Weird shit that might work
    –> using cow farts to fuel the “gas” engine
    –> buoyancy and sealed engine compartment: how Dante’s Peak will save you in a flood
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30 June 2021

Relationship Tree

So I heard this analogy once. I don’t remember exactly where, or the exact quote, but I know the gist of it.

Relationships are like a tree. Now, you, you’re the tree. The trunk.

You’ll meet people that are like leaves. Some fall off right away, some hang out for a while before falling away. But they all eventually fall away.

Then you’ve got branches. Branches are tougher stuff, they bring some leaves with them, but they stick around longer. But after a while, branches can fall away, too.

Sometimes you get somebody that’s like a trunk. You end up a tree with two trunks. Like when you get married, your significant other becomes that other trunk. But sometimes, after a long time, that extra trunk can fall away too.

Then you’ve got roots. Roots connect you to the earth. They hold you down, keep you rooted. They’re the ones that are there when all the leaves and branches and extra trunks fall away.

If you’re really lucky, you’ll have a lot of roots in your life. Hold on to them.

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20 November 2020

The Thing About the Apocalypse

A thought struck me last night, about the apocalypse.

It seems like there’s a fair number of people that would “like” to live in a world with zombies. Or something like the world of Mad Max. Where things are simpler, albeit more brutal.

But those are post-apocalyptic settings. After the apocalypse hit.

Nobody wants to live at the start of the apocalypse. Or during it.

Because the apocalypse means lots of people die. It means watching friends and family get sick and die. Or become monsters of one sort or another.

Getting to the post-apocalypse means people had to live through it. It means people had to witness the apocalypse happening, survive through it while everybody was dying, and come out the other side.

But hey, maybe I’m wrong. It’s not like this pandemic is really an apocalypse. Right?

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22 October 2020

Updating an Old Blog

It’s pretty clear I haven’t updated this site in a long time. Time to change that.

There’s a couple of things that I need to do. On this site, on my server, and maybe in life: limit the things I’m using, and use those things more often.

I’ve removed a couple of my websites. Not very well, honestly, but they’re gone now. I’ll work on giving them a more graceful “death” when I have more time. I don’t think they were getting that much traffic anyway.

More updates!

I’ve been writing a bunch of sh*t in my journal (a.k.a. diary). Which is fine, whatever. But a lot of that stuff could have instead been posted online, because it’s interesting, and it’s not really what I consider journal-worthy.

It’s clear I need to get back into programming on the side. I’m not sure how I’m going to get that done yet… but I’ll figure it out.

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16 September 2015

So Far Behind…

I think I’ve over-committed myself.

It’s not abnormal for me to be lagging behind updates by a day or two.  I don’t check social media on my phone–Facebook Messenger slipped through the cracks, but it hasn’t gone off more than once every few weeks–so I usually don’t know if Stan Lee posted something about me (yeah right) or if there’s some crazy new Mime-related humor.

I’m having a hard time keeping up on the things that matter.  Coding projects.  Paying attention to my wife.  Beating the kids on a regular basis.  Keeping bills in line.

Bear with me.  I’m going to spend some time re-organizing things over the coming days and weeks, hopefully to get a better line on the top priorities.  I’d like to get Project Hobbit Walk to a better place.  I’ve got doodles to upload to Deviant Art.  I’ve got pictures to force upon the world (or at least my friends).  And TTORP needs to get to a better place (the website blows).

TL;DR:  Stay tuned.

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1 September 2015

Spaghetti Code

That’s right, there’s an actual, honest-to-goodness technical term called “Spaghetti Code.”  Basically, it’s code that’s all tangled up in itself, not elegant at all.  It does not look or smell tasty… imagine the worst experience you’ve had with that stuff they served back in school.  You know, with the green “meat.”

I avoid that shit like crazy.

I’ve written some of that shit.  Somebody smarter than me once said, “in order to make good choices, you must first have made plenty of bad ones.”  And I’ve made plenty of those.

In fact, since I have so much code that’s open source, pretty much all my mistakes are out there for people to see.

Anyway, down to the point.  As a programmer, every time you build something with spaghetti code, or in some way that is ugly and difficult to maintain, you acrue technical debt.  And that adds up FAST.

So, for PHP, you should separate code from HTML–you can use a Templating engine to do that.  Or a framework like CS-Content, or CakePHP, or a myriad of others.  Test on different servers, different versions of PHP, and/or do the continuous integration thing.

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19 February 2015

Beware the five o’clock stupids

My brain gets a little “squishy” after working on something for awhile.  Pounding away at the same thing gets a little monotonous.  Over.

And over.

And over.

And over.

And over.

And oevr.

And orev.

And voer.

Adn over.

And oevr.






(see what I did there?)

Wait… what do you mean you can’t find /lib/std++.so?  WTF IS THAT?  Oh… shit…

At 5:00, relative to your timezone.  Stupid strikes.  BEWARE THE FIVE O’CLOCK STUPIDS.